Ken Thornton
Membership Secretary
07879 440101
Joining the Catford CC is pretty easy and we hope fairly painless. You may want to try out a couple of trial rides with us before joining the club, again this is not a problem and you can read here how to go about that. Once you have decided to join we'd like you to fill out our membership form, there's a link button on the right that will take you straight to it. We have a flat membership fee for everyone 16 to 70 of £25, which we hope you'll agree is tremendous value? And if you are over 70 it is totally FREE, although for legal reasons we still need you to fill out a membership application.
We are very keen for both men and women to join the club and on the 2019 Tour of Flanders almost a 1/3 of the people going are women, so please do not think this is just a male environment - if you would like to speak to a woman member of the club to discuss joining again just speak to Ken and he will ask one of our women members to call you to discuss any questions you may have.
Once you have joined the club you'll receive instructions on various things like the Club kit which as a new member you will receive a 50% discount on (we let you have it for less than the club pays!), where to meet for weekday and weekend rides, a FREE copy of the ‘Catford CC 2nd Fifty Years’ Hardback book, a bespoke membership card and much more.
If you have any problems just give our membership secretary, Ken Thornton a quick call (his details are on the left) and he'll answer any questions you may have and guide you through the membership process.