Combined Articles of Association and Rulebook

Ken thornton
Ken Thornton
Membership Secretary

Being a club with a long and proud history and where today’s members benefit from limited liability, we have written rules about how the club is governed and administered. 
When you complete the membership application form you are applying to become a member of a company (limited by guarantee), Catford Cycling Club Limited and in the application you agree to be bound by its Articles of Association and Rules in place from time to time. This document is available as a download on the right. When you first join the club as a new member the Membership Secretary will contact you and, along with a few other things, will make sure that you have up-to-date copies of this document so you can be clear about what you are signing up to. Material Changes to these documents require the approval of members at a general meeting of the company (see the Articles of Association) so that you can have a say in the future.

If you wish to explore further you can contact one of the three members representatives who are listed under the Officers tab at the top of the website and are available to give help and advice to members.

We would hope, as a new member, you would embrace all things within the club, from riding, social and help in the running of the club, so if you feel that you can help by volunteering for a Board or Officer position please speak to any of the existing Board Directors about standing for one of the positions in the club.